Android set background drawable programmatically. How can I change it programmatically? java; .
Android set background drawable programmatically int left=0,top=0,right=32,bottom=32; Drawable transparentDrawable = new ColorDrawable(Color. 3. Set bounds: drawable. By employing compatibility methods, practicing good resource management, and avoiding common pitfalls, you can significantly enhance your app's stability and user experience. TRANSPARENT); transparentDrawable. Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a new project. Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a new project. How do I do that? Here is what I have: Dec 27, 2011 · Alternately, you can use the id to load the Drawable manually and then set the image using that drawable instead of the resource ID. id. background as LayerDrawable val bgShape = layerDrawable. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Apr 16, 2022 · Hello every one I am new in the android studio I have a picture in my drawable folder and I want it to save the picture as a background of the edit text programmatically for this I write a code bel Mar 29, 2015 · private boolean isButtonClicked = false; // You should add a boolean flag to record the button on/off state protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { . Jun 21, 2015 · I'm trying to change the color on a white marker image by code. Mar 16, 2020 · I am facing issue change color or drawable resource programmatically from the recycler adapter holder for API 21. You will need to add the following in your app build. setBackgroundTintList() method of my button. your_layout); Sep 8, 2011 · I am trying to set the foreground image on an image button. You can just use: button = new Button(context); If you want to style the button you have 2 choices: the simplest one is to just specify all the elements in code, like many of the other answers suggest: May 19, 2017 · The answer of @Rohit Suthar in Kotlin, with dp converted to pixel, and color resources: private val STROKE_WIDTH_PX = 2. Oct 19, 2016 · I described what you want in detail in this post, you might want to check it out, if I understood well your question. That is, the background color of the button in its normal state should be different from the background color when the user pressed the button. Create new drawable. Nov 10, 2016 · Programmatically change the layout color of layout. apply { shape = RoundRectShape(floatArrayOf Apr 11, 2020 · Since you are just using the shape to create a layout with rounded corners and a border, the first option is to wrap your LinearLayout inside a CardView and then apply to the card the corner radius, the stroke and the background color. On this image, I'd like to convert all of the white pixels to a different color, say blue, and Jun 18, 2018 · There are already true answers but a better approach would be to put this attributes in styles. Apr 7, 2011 · If you want to set through xml using android's default color codes, then you need to do as below: android:background="@android:color/white" If you have colors specified in your project's colors. After some research, I came across this code sample: <ImageButton android:text="Button" android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/icon"/> My query is how to actually implement android:src in code. setBackground(Drawable drawable): Oct 10, 2013 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand I do not believe you can set the style programatically. Nov 25, 2021 · However, I need to set the background color of the button and also the background color when the button is in a state PRESSED. Creates a BitmapDrawable. MATCH_PARENT, LinearLayout. Aug 23, 2013 · you can change corner radius with: drawable. To set a background drawable programmatically in Android, you can use the setBackgroundDrawable method of the View class. Solution: The mutate() method when called on a drawable, the constant state of the drawable is duplicated to allow you to change any property without affecting other drawables. Aug 26, 2018 · Solution. This is very useful in case you dynamically create a toggled button (choice of 2 drawables) in an onClick event, but need a visible button to show before your toggled ones take over (because nothing will show until the click event happens, so when it does, you can use setBackgroundResource(0) to remove your earlier "set" button drawable). Is there a way to set background from android:drawable programatically? 4. Aug 2, 2013 · You should also set ids android. shape_id) as GradientDrawable bgShape. A PNG file with stretchable regions to let images resize based on content (. yourLayerDrawable); set background drawable programmatically in Android. mybtn_style); Drawable draw = getResources(). shape = GradientDrawable. Follow How set background drawable programmatically in Android. Apr 13, 2013 · I can change the background of a LinearLayout via xml by writing. It is best suitable for specific views. If you're creating Spinner dynamically then use this: // to change background of the popup list spinner. Mode. UPDATE: I never really found a good solution for this. Note : This Android article covered in both Java and Kotlin languages. drawable in image view android. Feb 13, 2015 · I added a View to layout programmatically to draw a horizontal line. getApplicationContext() . But so far it's not. Any change in the state of the drawable such as alpha, transformation etc. setForeground() to a Drawable from the TypedArray, i. – To set a drawable background to button : Custom design for Button background To set a onClickListener to button : Button setOnClickListener. setBackground (ContextCompat. I'm working on an android application, and I have a drawable that I'm loading up from a source image. Are you trying to set an Image to ImageView? First of all You have to use the property: android:src="drawable" I have an image in path @drawable/new_todo_image to set as background In android studio to set Button background Image write following code : android set I have ran into the same problem and wasted my day on it. Feb 10, 2018 · I'm trying to set the background tint of a button programmatically, not to a color resource as done here, but instead to a hex value. TextView - add border in XML or code. Getting the current background id of a view. There seems to be a bug with Gradient Drawable whereby some corners are not rounded (causing button to appear clipped) when the app launches and the screen jitters once. layout. background. SRC_ATOP) See PorterDuff. If you are using the support v4 library, the following will be enough for all versions. white); Can you see the code? Jul 3, 2020 · How to set background drawable programmatically in android - This example demonstrates how do I set background drawable programmatically in android. Needed to do this because, setting android:background somehow left some areas still non transparent. When I change the image programmatically, it shows new image on top of the old image which is set originally in layout file? android:background="@drawable May 18, 2016 · I need to create a simple Drawable object with needed color as background color, but I don't know how I can do it programmatically without using a XML schema (is it possible really?). Changing the background tint does not correctly apply by just setting a new ColorsStateList with one color: Nov 29, 2018 · I want to set custom drawable background to Chip, Do not use the android:background attribute. According to this, you need to create a new drawable with a different tint, then change the drawable resource for your button. if using VectorDrawables. The Drawables' bounds will be set to their intrinsic bounds. UnsupportedOperationException: Do not set the background Oct 15, 2015 · How to change FAB icon in an Activity during runtime. my_icon); The image has a transparent background. <SeekBar android:id="@+id/sb" android:layout_width=" Nov 20, 2018 · Chip chip = new Chip(context); chip. blue)); The above line gives the error: java. Android layout color change programmatically. Sep 9, 2009 · So you could create a FrameLayout for your layout, put the ImageView inside it, and then whatever other content you need in the FrameLayout as well w/ a transparent background. getDrawable(R. Drawable drawable = res. progress Android How to programmatically change progress drawable color. Get background color of a Layout. Set the drawable appropriately (without using of intrinsic bounds): button. Hot Network Questions. LayerDrawable layer = (LayerDrawable)yourView. editbox_dropdown_dark_frame); If you like, you can retrieve the Drawable itself directly: Jun 23, 2016 · In xml, I often do this to emulate onClick effect: <android. Apr 19, 2021 · Let’s start with the reuse of modified background implementation, what we need to do first. LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout. getDrawable(context, R. android. color. getBackground(); buttonDrawable = DrawableCompat. getRadius()); cardView. 5. LayoutParams( LinearLayout. getIdentifier(resourceId, null, getPackageName()); Drawable drawable = ContextCompat. WHITE); Jan 17, 2011 · DON'T USE A TRANSAPENT OR NULL LAYOUT because then the button (or the generic view) will no more highlight at click!!!. Just doing this: progressBar = new ProgressBar(this, null, android. progressBarStyleHorizontal); I need to change the color of that one, Mar 1, 2017 · If you want to change the selected tab background you can use this: (Set your custom view after set up the viewPager) TabLayout tabLayout = (TabLayout) findViewById(R. Jul 31, 2018 · I followed this with AppCompat AlertDialog but instead of using android:background, I chose to set a transparent color directly with the background drawable's android:color itself. // I want to add a view to ll LinearLayout ll = (LinearLayout)findViewById(R. Then I set the background of the ImageView to @drawable/background. Step by Step Implementation May 30, 2024 · Setting background drawables programmatically in Android is vital for creating dynamic and responsive applications. To get around this you can create a template layout xml file with the style assigned, for example in res/layout create tvtemplate. I want the shape to be transparent. Nov 28, 2022 · But the tricky part is these all chips get added in view dynamically (Based on API response, adding programmatically). For Xamarin users: Add new class border: public class Border : Android. setColorFilter( 0xffff0000, Mode. ready )); layout : Represents the view or layout element you want to set the background for. But Thanks for sharing the technique! – Aug 1, 2014 · I have found a simple workaround of this problem. wrap(buttonDrawable); //the color is a direct color int and not a color resource DrawableCompat. A drawable that manages an array of other drawables. We need to create a drawable shape to be used as background. . Mar 10, 2014 · int img = R. Basically, what you should do is create another drawable with a different color and set it programmatically through yourView. Thank you, totally saved me after 4 hours of head-banging. attr. RECTANGLE shape. If you use . getDrawable( resources, android. XML. At the moment, I have converted a hex value into a ColorDrawable, but do not know how to use this to set the background tint with the . Ask Question Asked 10 years, 4 months ago. Here is an example of how you can do this: ImageView imageView = new ImageView ( this ); imageView. However if you are using setImageDrawable(), the ImageView/ImageButton will not help with any backwards compat and it's up to you to supply a backward-compat drawable, which is important for eg. Is there a way to programmatically set the background color to the Drawable before using the end product further in my code? Using setImageResource() should fetch its resource in a backwards-compatible manner without any further effort required. In the below code, I am changing the drawable resource for blow API 23 but nothing is happening. setCompoundDrawables( null, null, img, null ); Explained here. cardview ) stays white even though I set a backround drawable via android:backround - The documentation gives me the feeling that it should work. setCornerRadius(YOUR_VALUE); Change color with: drawable. RippleDrawable draw = (RippleDrawable) getContext(). Feb 25, 2016 · You can change the color of individual path at runtime, without using reflection. How to make a drawable Shape programmatically (Android) 2. May 17, 2017 · None of these answers worked for changing the color of a vector path inside a drawable at runtime. I tried following: LinearLayout horizontal_menu = new LinearLayout(this); horizontal_menu. Oct 4, 2015 · Here is how you can achieve that: Obtain a reference to your layer-list. getDrawable( resourceId ); imageView. However I can't do that programmatically. Feb 22, 2012 · Please ignore if u find this trivial or irrelevant, but canT you try (assuming you are dealing with widgets):. 2 - app running on Android 9 Pie. 4. Important Point in Using Android Vector Drawable. getResources(). dpToPx private val CORNER_RADIUS_PX = 5. getInteger(R. You can very simply define the alpha in the color definition of the button (or any other view) in your xml: Feb 1, 2014 · That part was fairly simple. Rect I'm trying to change the image of the ImageButton programmatically. xml file everything is working fine. To understand what happened here, we need to know one thing about Drawable on Android. black May 20, 2013 · First define the Drawable, then set it in an ImageView. Graphics. Step 2 − Add the following code to res/layout/activity_main. In fact, I still didn't figure that out, but I think this answer would help a lot of people who are just trying to create and paint a simple shape at runtime. btn. Use null if you do not want a Drawable there. support. xml to add the background image to preserve the aspect ratio. ; v. setCompoundDrawables(left, top, right, bottom); Sets the Drawables (if any) to appear to the left of, above, to the right of, and below the text. The issue is that I can't pass a drawable to RemoteViews. May 28, 2017 · Update: At the time of answering this question (mid 2012, API level 14-15), setting the view programmatically was not an option (even though there were some non-trivial workarounds) whereas this has been made possible after the more recent API releases. addView(view); view. setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds (int left, int top, int Jan 21, 2019 · Ok, well the only solution that I could end up coming up with for this was to change the way I was displaying the background image in the LinearLayout. findDrawableByLayerId(R. How can I change it programmatically? java; whatever view you are trying to set the background on. I just want to set an image instead of text. Jul 3, 2020 · This example demonstrates how do I set background drawable programmatically in android. I have this code -> FloatingActionButton fab = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById(R. setBackgroundcolor(getResources(). getRootView(); root. Jun 4, 2010 · Changing ImageView source: Using setBackgroundResource() method:. Convert bitmap photo to Drawable and set it to the Button Feb 12, 2019 · Android color ints are most common representation of colors on Android and according the documentation it always defines a color in the sRGB space using 4 components: Alpha, Red, Green, Blue. 5. Example – Dynamically Change Button Background in Kotlin Android. layoutLL. graphics. tabs); tabLayout. xml as with the following content: Mar 24, 2014 · I have been able to change colour of an activity background (see this post). 17. lang. getDrawable (context, R. gradle: android { defaultConfig { vectorDrawables. also, I don't know how get id stroke, and change only stroke (I see google, all example are failed) My XML item <layer-l Jul 5, 2016 · Using Kotlin: You can create an extension function or just use setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds directly. Each and every aspect of a vector drawable can be controlled dynamically (via Java instances), using this library. darken() { val darkOverlay = ResourcesCompat. setBackgroundDrawable(getResources(). Sep 21, 2012 · As of API 22, you should use the getDrawable(int, Theme) method instead of getDrawable (int). getTabAt(tabLayout. Paint paint; public Android. Then when i programmatically change the colour, i dont get the other styles. my_image)); May 20, 2024 · There are several types of drawables: A bitmap graphic file (PNG, WEBP, JPG, or GIF). LayoutParams. public void giveClue(View view) { Drawable Aug 10, 2017 · Background I'm trying to have a filled circle, with a stroke of certain color and width, and an image inside. java resets the previously defined padding of a View, as mentioned in the java docs: Set the background to a given Drawable, or remove the background. CardView android:id="@+id/cardView" android:layout_width="match_parent" android Aug 23, 2011 · Maybe someone else need to change color in the XML without create multiple drawables like I needed. Or using ResourceCompat, in any API like below: 'getDrawable (int)' is deprecated. the method setTextColor to change the text color; Something like: Feb 29, 2016 · But I don't want to change the overall style of the Button. setPopupBackgroundResource(R. Apr 10, 2012 · Unfortunately the method public void setBackground(Drawable background) in View. I'm trying to copy this code, but the setBackgroundDrawable is already deprecated. background and android. Create a Drawable from your icon: Drawable mDrawable=getContext(). You simply copy this xml file to your drawables folder in your project, name it for example custom_button. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Jan 6, 2017 · I try to set background color programmatically but when I set every one of my colors, the background being black but with any color background being white like the application theme. I have tried to change the drawable background color neither that work. I had to add a transparent solid element to my shape xml to get it to work: Feb 3, 2015 · I am trying to change the tinting color of an EditText View programmatically during runtime. Drawable. VectorMaster introduces dynamic control over vector drawables. xml, it contains a <shape> and I cannot set an android:id to shapes. Then as with the XML files the order in which you set the states into the StateListDrawable is important. WRAP_CONTENT); View view = new View(this); ll. fabMainActivity); I know this is possible using fab. When you are using an android vector drawable and want to have backward compatibility for API below 21, add the following codes to: In app level build. background as GradientDrawable bg. xml to and give that style to the buttons you want to use to increase clarity and reduce the number of lines you have to write. 6. Drawable { public Android. Dec 4, 2014 · the CardView ( android. toFloat() val shape = GradientDrawable() shape. setBackgroundResource(android. Whenever we create a View which has a background set to a resource Drawable, it will create a new Alternatively, if you’re using AndroidX, consider using AppCompatResources. gradle. main); LinearLayout. Click on the Project tab in Left pane and go to the drawable directory. Adding a background image, to a The problem here is android:background is set to a drawable style. setupWithViewPager(mViewPager); tabLayout. pink)) shape. setBackgroundDrawable(backgroundDrawable); May 21, 2014 · How set background drawable programmatically in Android. Jun 16, 2013 · I have a school project where I am trying to get a flashlight app going. leftDrawable(@DrawableRes id: Int = 0 Feb 25, 2015 · I subclassed Button. Jun 29, 2015 · Basically I created a background. btn_avatar, "setBackgroundResource", R. xml, then use: android:background="@color/white" If you want to do programmatically, then do: linearlayout. fun TextView. setBackgroundColor(color. xml. 1. public Drawable getRoundRect() { RoundRectShape rectShape = new RoundRectShape(new float Oct 15, 2013 · How to set the android: Programmatically setting TextView background. Oct 12, 2017 · I've assumed that you need to change the android:drawableTint property. Feb 13, 2018 · First of all, you don't need to use a layout inflater to create a simple Button. This can easily be done in XML, as such (this is just a sample) : <layer-list xmlns: Apr 8, 2015 · I try change color "stroke", through "GradientDrawable" but not work. GRAY, val borderWidth : Float = 5F, val borderRadius : Float = 15F val borderShape = ShapeDrawable(). your_drawable); Feb 1, 2016 · How would one change the android:src XML property programatically of a FloatingActionButton or Button widget? How set background drawable programmatically in May 28, 2017 · To do this in code, you create a GradientDrawable. Right click on drawable Apr 21, 2014 · Set it to color, image. attr – Houcine Commented Oct 8, 2012 at 12:24 How to set a background color for linear layout programatically? 79. e. android:background="@android:color/white" Read more about the property here: Set background drawable (Programmatically s)? 0. drawable ( or android. Android Gradient drawable color fun View. You can set transparent color to the background of action bar item. smiley; editText. R. setLayoutParams Feb 18, 2015 · What is the RoundRectShape ? RoundRectShape specifies an outer (round) rect and an optional inner (round) rect. That's the dark version. monkey); you are putting that monkey in the background. widget. LayerDrawable layer = (LayerDrawable)context. <FrameLayout android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"> <ImageView android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent What is the correct way to programmatically set a background drawable for a RelativeLayout in Android, using an example code snippet? Answer: In Android development, setting a background drawable for a layout programmatically can be efficiently achieved using the setBackgroundResource() method. selectableItemBackground requires API LEVEL 11 int[] attrs = new int[] { android. will impact all the places where it is used. No Idea what I am A simpler solution nowadays would be to use your shape as a background and then programmatically change its color via: view. When I set it in the . Drawables. I mean I can click a button, select an option and change the current Activity background image to the new one. Modified 6 years, Android - Set drawable's gradient dynamically. Then changing color of the action bar will change background of the item. – Vishanth. // RoundRectShape constructor RoundRectShape(float[] outerRadii, RectF inset, float[] innerRadii); Oct 25, 2014 · The way it's set in the initialize method uses the protected RoundRectDrawable class, like so:. button. The closest I got was using View. button_image); I am trying to set the background for the button by: Taking a photo by camera. getDrawable(), you can efficiently set background drawables programmatically in your Android applications. Set background color of the material chip programmatically. v7. mutate() // We mutate the drawable so we can later implement a fade in/out animation and animate the Drawable's alpha property. setBounds(left, top, right, bottom) 2. getDrawable(this, imageResource); // For API 21+, gets a drawable styled for theme of passed 1. If the background has padding, this View's padding is set to the background's padding. editbox_dropdown_dark_frame); If you have a reference to the view (say, from findViewById), you can do the same thing: View v = . Feb 20, 2013 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand that means that the resource you trying to find is not found, if you want to get a dRawable , you should get it from R. public void setBackground(Drawable background) { //noinspection deprecation setBackgroundDrawable(background); } @Deprecated public void setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable background) { } so it's just a naming decision, similar to the one with fill-parent vs match-parent . png). Feb 21, 2012 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand First of all background and src are different properties for a ImageView. Set ImageView Drawable programmatically. dpToPx. Android - Set drawable's gradient dynamically. Steps for Android Studio 3. However, as suggested by @Josh, you can get the last 6 digits by masking: Here is an example using answer here: How to get the attr reference in code? // Create an array of the attributes we want to resolve // using values from a theme // android. Aug 21, 2015 · Taken From this answer, and something which I'm using as well:. Step 1: Create Background Shape. id) instead of trying to make alterations to the selected layout. setBackground(buttonDrawable); Jul 31, 2012 · String resourceId = "@drawable/myResourceName"; // where myResourceName is the name of your resource file, minus the file extension int imageResource = getResources(). xml, and reference it in your layout with Feb 23, 2011 · Very late response here but in case anyone else is having problems setting a StateListDrawable programmatically. In the following Kotlin Android Example, we shall create a button in layout xml and dynamically change its background on the button click Jan 22, 2017 · And I set this as my button's background: <Button android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/title" android:background="@drawable/mybutton" /> As I said I want to change these color values programatically. Right-click drawable->New->Drawable Resource File, enter file name “circle” and Oct 25, 2012 · setBackgroundResource(android. in project tree. GRAY, val backgroundColor : Int = Color. setImageDrawable( drawable ); Aug 9, 2013 · Empty Drawable with width and height can be made using a transparent ColorDrawable and the function setBounds(Rect). Improve this answer. screen); View root = someView. xml it looks like this in my RelativeLayout: <Button android:id="@+id/mybtn" android:background = "@drawable/rounded_button" android:elevation="0dp" /> In my MainActivity I try to change the button like this: Aug 14, 2015 · I find using Shape Drawable technique for generating rounded corners is a better solution than using Gradient Drawable rounded corner method. myImgView. The preferred approach to set a background drawable programmatically in Android is: layout. Feb 7, 2011 · Use 0 if you do not want a Drawable there. I have read that the code below should change the color, but my marker remains white. This Jun 8, 2012 · Hello I have a drawable myshape. drawable. setBounds(left,top,right,bottom); Jun 11, 2014 · You could use an xml file like one below, to create states for your button. 'themedContext' is a context with a // theme Jun 20, 2021 · How to set drawable on background of View? Android. How set background drawable programmatically in Android. overview)); Jun 7, 2017 · You can then create your Shape Drawable in Java itself using below code. theme )!!. UPDATE (API 29): The above method is deprecated since API 29 and replaced by the following: Feb 28, 2013 · Also possible way is to use: val layerDrawable : LayerDrawable = imageView. Apr 22, 2015 · In properly extending dimsuz's answer by providing a real code situation, see the following code snippet: Drawable buttonDrawable = button. I need a method that will change the vector drawable stroke at runtime: previously i Jan 30, 2014 · If I replace it by the EditText, it is applied to the background, not the solid background. If you want to change the color or angle, just create a new GradientDrawable and set it as the background Mar 30, 2018 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. I suggest the use of setImageResource() method: Jun 8, 2012 · I have a progressBar using the ProgressBar class. setTint. spinner_background); // to change the `Spinner` background spinner. xml) folder and set it as background for layout. I want to do that programmatically. getColor(R. Dec 23, 2022 · In this article, we will take a look at How to Set Background Drawable Programmatically in an Android application. So if you change radius without using mutate(), you are likely to change others state too. setColor(Color. getBackground(); Or. I can only pass a bitmap to the widget, and I can't find a way to set the bitmap with a proper width/height to match the widget's size. May 15, 2010 · I'm amazed by everyone else's MUCH more complicated answers. From within that class I try to change the color programmatically. The only chance to set the angle and color is in the constructor. Jul 12, 2012 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Oct 27, 2022 · If you don't know the color in advance to place it into the drawable XML, you can programmatically change it like this: val bg = binding. Oct 27, 2019 · To change programmatically the text color and the background color use: the method setBackgroundTintList to change the background color selector. setTint(buttonDrawable, Color. So the first two digits in your string are Alpha channel. drawable . setBackgroundColor(Color. It is a basic button which a shape as a background. Share. Then make a circle drawable without color and then specify backgroundTint for the ImageView. Thanks in advance. For the on/off ImageButton, I want to have 4 custom images. setColorFilter(Color. setInt(R. In my main. EDIT : My Bad, i want to change the Stroke color, not solid. parseColor("#343434"), PorterDuff. setCustomView(R. Now I can programmatically set the background color. Set image from android. BLUE) This assumes that you define the drawable as the background to the LinearLayout. setStroke(STROKE_WIDTH_PX, ContextCompat. . your_drawable). If flashlight is off: -turn_on. screen_background_dark_transparent, context. Use two item in layer list, one for solid color in shape and other one bitmap. setColor(ContextCompat. If you have a view such as a TextView where you need to set the background and border you can do it like this Kotlin code: val view = findViewById(R. Could I change the drawable's background image before calling . 8. There is also the counterpart to that, the light version: edit_text_holo_light. open drawable folder. Now a requirement is to do the same with background image. RoundRectDrawable backgroundDrawable = new RoundRectDrawable(backgroundColor, cardView. selectableItemBackground /* index 0 */}; // Obtain the styled attributes. Below is java code. So how can I set custom drawable for selected chips and unselected chips programmatically? Thank you in Advance! I have a shape drawable that I want to use as a background. Declaring different layouts (xml)for your widget. YOUR_COLOR); A mutable drawable is guaranteed to not share its state with any other drawable. Note: Bitmap is still shared. View someView = findViewById(R. Mar 13, 2017 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Anyone know how I can use both ?attr/selectableItemBackground and also set a background color? Thanks! EDIT: To clarify, the view in question isn't a button, it's a RelativeLayout. getColor(context, R. setBackgroundDrawable(), because it is only accessible via RemoteViews. miTextView) as TextView val borderColor : Int = Color. Android: Change background color outside of the layout. The info about attributes available is here. open res folder. 0. RED); button. Mode for the available options. Sep 14, 2012 · I need to implement this programmatically. ic_car_black_24dp); Then change its tint: Aug 3, 2021 · I can set the background for a button on the remoteViews by using setInt method with Drawbale Id in the Drawable folder: remoteViews. useSupportLibrary = true } } In Application class: Dec 15, 2015 · Create a resource in drawable (like files_bg. Conclusion: By leveraging the setBackground() or setBackgroundDrawable() methods along with ContextCompat. I had the same problem and finally I found the correct attribute from Android API to solve the problem. And I cannot call view. Creates a NinePatchDrawable. setCompoundDrawablesRelative(drawable, null, null, null) No need to use Bitmaps; No workarounds such as ScaleDrawable ColorDrawable or LayerDrawable (what are definitely created for other purposes) May 23, 2017 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Apr 1, 2018 · Setting Gradient Background programmatically. Change the remoteView's source (layout. MULT Feb 15, 2014 · The the default holo EditText's background is: edit_text_holo_dark. Manipulating drawable. getSelectedTabPosition()). If the background is not defined, you can create the background Nov 18, 2016 · I can change the color of vector drawables programmatically, but I want to apply the stroke to vector drawable. In my code I want to set the background of a view to this file using catAll. setBackgroundColor method, android. My goal was to do this using Drawable. GradientDrawable cannot be cast May 10, 2012 · I have a problem with programmatically setting the progress drawable of a SeekBar. setBackgroundResource(R. I have tried to use a GradientDrawable as follows (this method is implemented on a custom view): (0, 0,0, 4); //finally Jan 29, 2020 · I fail changing the background of my button in my activity. Basically i want to change what you would usually apply as ?attr/colorControlNormal like in the default background drawable. 9. colorPrimary)) I needed a way to change the stroke color of any GradientDrawable without knowing the width of the stroke. android:background="@drawable/overview" to my LinearLayout. drawable ) and not from android. setBackgroundResource(getResources(). png (default) -turn_on_pressing. We can't set the theme in java as in my case the control came to onCreate of my splash activity very late. tvfyu ifofn iotucg cfde qev dqh wmse mtxp iyjm pwqdsb